

OCOLimb(limbopt, sideopt, locationopt, typeopt)

A limb contained in an OCO Doc.

# new OCOLimb(limbopt, sideopt, locationopt, typeopt)

Creates a new OCO Limb.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
limb OCO.Limb <optional>
OCO.Limb.CUSTOM A Predefined limb
side OCO.Side <optional>
OCO.Side.NONE The side of the limb
location OCO.Location <optional>
OCO.Location.NONE The location of the limb
type OCO.LimbType <optional>
OCO.LimbType.CUSTOM The type of the limb

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# static limb

The predefined limb

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# static limbs

The limbs/ Armatures

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# static location

The location of the limb

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# static location

The bones of the limb

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# static side

The sided of the limb

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# static type

The type of the limb

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# static fromObject(data) → {OCOLimb}

Creates a limb from a js object.
Name Type Description
data Object The js object representing the limb

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The new limb

# armatureFromLayers(doc, name, layers) → {OCOBone}

Creates a new chain of bones located on the layer anchor points.
Name Type Description
doc OCODoc The doc containing the limb.
name string The name of the bones (will increment if needed)
layers Array.<Layer> | LayerCollection The layers

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The root bone of the new chain

# armatureFromPath(doc, name, pathProp) → {OCOBone}

Creates a new chain of bones located on the vertices of the path.
Name Type Description
doc OCODoc The doc containing the limb.
name string The name of the bones (will increment if needed)
pathProp PropertyGroup | DuAEProperty The path property (either an "ADBE Vector Shape - Group" or an "ADBE Mask Atom")

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The root bone of the new chain

# armatureFromPuppetPins(doc, name, pins) → {OCOBone}

Creates a new chain of bones located on the puppet pins.
Name Type Description
doc OCODoc The doc containing the limb.
name string The name of the bones (will increment if needed)
pins Array.<Property> | Array.<DuAEProperty> The puppet pins

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The root bone of the new chain

# bounds() → {Array.<float>}

Gets the boundaries of the limb

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[left, top, right, bottom]

# getBones() → {Array.<OCOBone>}

Gets all the bones sorted by z index

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The list of bones

# getLayers() → {Array.<Layer>}

Gets the After Effects layers representing this limb

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May be an empty array if this limb has not been created in After Effects yet

# getLimbs() → {Array.<OCOLimb>}

Recursively gets all the children limbs of this limb

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The array of all limbs

# moveArmatureToLayers(doc, layers)

Moves the armature of the limb to the layers.
Name Type Description
doc OCODoc The doc containing the limb.
layers Array.<Layer> | LayerCollection The layers

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# moveArmatureToPath(doc, pathProp)

Moves the armature of the limb to the vertices of the path.
Name Type Description
doc OCODoc The doc containing the limb.
pathProp PropertyGroup | DuAEProperty The path property (either an "ADBE Vector Shape - Group" or an "ADBE Mask Atom")

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# moveArmatureToPuppetPins(doc, pins)

Moves the armature of the limb to the puppet pins.
Name Type Description
doc OCODoc The doc containing the limb.
pins Array.<Property> | Array.<DuAEProperty> The puppet pins

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# newArmature(name, numopt, lengthopt) → {OCOBone}

Creates a new chain of bones and adds it to the limb.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
name string The name of the bones (will increment if needed)
num int <optional>
2 The number of bones in the chain
length float <optional>
100.0 The length in centimeters

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The root bone.

# normalizeZIndices(offsetopt) → {int}

Normalizes the Z indices of all bones so they're positive (including 0) and continuous integers
Name Type Attributes Default Description
offset int <optional>
0 An offset/start number

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The highest index

# numBones() → {int}

Counts the total number of bones in this limb

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# numLimbs() → {int}

Counts the total number of limbs in this limb

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# toComp(doc, compopt, parentLayeropt, limbIdopt) → {Array.<Layer>}

Creates the limb and armatures in the comp
Name Type Attributes Default Description
doc OCODoc The doc containing the limb.
comp CompItem <optional>
DuAEProject.getActiveComp() The composition to use.
parentLayer Layer <optional>
null The parent layer of the bone.
limbId int <optional>
A Unique identifier for this armature. If omitted, a new one will be assigned.

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The new layers

# toObject() → {Object}

Creates a js object containing this limb data.
This object could then be exported to JSON for example.

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The JS Object

# zBounds() → {Array.<int>}

Finds the maximum and minimum Z index from all bones

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The [min, max] Z indices