


File related methods

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# static base64Chars

The list of legit characters for base64 encoding

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# static checkBase64(b64) → {bool}

Checks if the base64 string seems valid
Name Type Description
b64 string The string to check

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# static exists(pathopt) → {boolean}

Checks if the given path exists
Name Type Attributes Description
path string <optional>
The file path

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True or false

# static fromBase64(b64, file) → {File|null}

Writes a file from a base64 string.
Name Type Description
b64 string The base64 string
file string | File The destination file or its path

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The File object or null if it fails
File | null

# static getSequenceNumber(path)

Gets the number of a frame from an file/image sequence
The number must be right before the extension.
Name Type Description
path string The path of the frame

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# static move(file, newURI) → {File|null}

Moves a file to a new location
Name Type Description
file string | File The file
newURI string | File The new URI/Path (including file name)

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the new file object, or null if it could not be moved
File | null

# static parseCSV(file, delimiteropt, textSeparatoropt) → {Array.<string>|null}

Parses a CSV file
Name Type Attributes Default Description
file File The file
delimiter string <optional>
',' The delimiter used
textSeparator string <optional>
'"' The separator for texts

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The content (a two-dimensionnal Array) or null if the file couldn't be parsed
Array.<string> | null

# static parseJSON(file) → {Object|null}

Parses a JSON file
Name Type Description
file File The file

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The content or null if the file couldn't be parsed
Object | null

# static read(file, encodingopt) → {string}

Reads a whole file and return its content
Name Type Attributes Default Description
file File | string The file
encoding string <optional>
'UTF-8' The text encoding

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The content

# static readFirstLine(file) → {string}

Reads the first line of a file and return its content
Name Type Description
file File | string The file

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The content

# static saveDialog(prompt, filteropt, defaultExtensionopt) → {File|null}

Shows the default save file dialog and returns the file selected by the user. If the user ommits the extension, the default extension will be appended (Mac OS fix).
Name Type Attributes Default Description
prompt string The prompt text, displayed if the dialog allows a prompt.
filter string <optional>
'' The file type filter (windows only)
defaultExtension string <optional>
'' The default extension

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The file or null if the user cancels
File | null

# static saveJSON(obj, file) → {boolean}

Saves a js object to a JSON file
Name Type Description
obj Object The object to save
file File | string The file or URI

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true if the file has been correctly written

# static toBase64(file) → {string}

Encodes a file to a base64 string.
Name Type Description
file string | File The file or its path

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The base64 string

# static write(file, content, appendopt, encodingopt) → {boolean}

Writes a text file
Name Type Attributes Default Description
file File The file
content string The content to write
append boolean <optional>
false Appends instead of replacing
encoding string <optional>
'UTF-8' The text encoding

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true if the file has been correctly written

# static writeln(file, content, appendopt, encodingopt) → {boolean}

Writes a line in a text file
Name Type Attributes Default Description
file File The file
content string The content to write
append boolean <optional>
false Appends instead of replacing
encoding string <optional>
'UTF-8' The text encoding

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true if the file has been correctly written