


An Open Cut-Out character or meta-rig document.

# new OCODoc(name)

Creates a new OCO Document.
Name Type Description
name string The name of the character or the meta rig

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# static centerOfMass

The coordinates of the center of mass of the character. [X, Y].

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# static height

The height of the character. Should always be 1!

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# static name

The name of this OCO Doc

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# static type

The type of this OCO Doc

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# static width

The width of the character.

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# icon

An icon or thumbnail path

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# imageEncoding

How images should be encoded when exporting the doc to a file/folder

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# pixelsPerCm

The definition

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# resolution

The resolution, in pixels, of the document

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# world

The world origin in pixels in the document

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# static extractIcon(file, destinationopt) → {File}

Extracts the icon from the OCO file
Name Type Attributes Description
file string | File The OCO file
destination string | File <optional>
The destination file if the file is included in the OCO file. Next to the OCO file by default.

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The icon file, or null if there was no icon/the file could not be written.

# static fromComp(nameopt, compopt, layersopt, characterTopopt, characterCenterOfMassopt, groundopt, heightopt) → {DoOCODoc}

Creates an OCO doc from the given composition.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
name string <optional>
The name of the character. If omitted, will use the comp name.
comp CompItem <optional>
DuAEProject.getActiveComp() The composition
layers Array.<Layer> <optional>
Duik.Bone.get(false) The layers to include as bones in the doc
characterTop float <optional>
The max Y coordinate of the character, in px in the comp
characterCenterOfMass Array.<float> <optional>
The coordinates of center of mass of the character, in px in the comp
ground float <optional>
The Y coordinate of the ground, in px in the comp
height float <optional>
185 The height of the character, in cm

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The new doc

# static fromFile(file) → {OCODoc|null}

Creates a new doc by reading a file
Name Type Description
file File | string The file

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The document or null if the file couldn't be read or parsed
OCODoc | null

# static zBounds() → {Array.<int>}

Finds the maximum and minimum Z index from all bones

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The [min, max] Z indices

# bounds() → {Array.<float>}

Gets the boundaries of the doc

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[left, top, right, bottom]

# fromPixels(point) → {Array.<float>|float}

Converts coordinates in pixels in the world to centimeters coordinates in the doc
For multidimensionnal values (coordinates), the origin is adjusted image to doc.
Name Type Description
point Array.<float> | float The coordinate to convert

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The coordinates in centimeters relative to the doc
Array.<float> | float

# getBones() → {Array.<OCOBone>}

Gets all the bones sorted by z index

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The list of bones

# getLimbs() → {Array.<OCOLimb>}

Recursively gets all the limbs contained in the doc

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The array of all limbs

# getSpine() → {OCOLimb|null}

Finds the spine

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The spine.
OCOLimb | null

# newArm(typeopt, sideopt, shoulderopt, armopt, forearmopt, handopt, clawsopt, positionopt, locationopt, viewopt) → {OCOLimb}

Creates a new arm.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
type OCO.LimbType <optional>
OCO.LimbType.HOMINOID The type of limb
side OCO.Side <optional>
OCO.Side.LEFT The side
shoulder Boolean <optional>
false Whether to create a shoulder
arm Boolean <optional>
true Whether to create an arm / humerus
forearm Boolean <optional>
true Whether to create a forearm
hand Boolean <optional>
true Whether to create a hand
claws Boolean <optional>
false Whether to add claws
position Array.<float> <optional>
The position of the first bone of the arm.
If omitted, computed automatically according to the current character in the doc.
location OCO.Location <optional>
OCO.Location.FRONT The location of the limb
view OCO.View <optional>
The view

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The arm

# newFin(sideopt, fishbonesopt, positionopt, viewopt) → {OCOLimb}

Creates a new fin.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
side OCO.Side <optional>
OCO.Side.LEFT The side
fishbones int <optional>
5 Number of feathers
position Array.<float> <optional>
The position of the first bone of the arm.
If omitted, computed automatically according to the current character in the doc.
view OCO.View <optional>
OCO.View.RIGHT The view

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The fin

# newFishSpine(headopt, spineopt, positionopt) → {OCOLimb}

Creates a new fish spine.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
head Boolean <optional>
true Whether to create a head
spine int <optional>
3 Number of spine bones
position Array.<float> <optional>
The position of the first bone of the spine.
If omitted, computed automatically according to the current character in the doc.

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The fish spine

# newHairStrand(numBonesopt) → {OCOLimb}

Creates a new hair strand.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
numBones int <optional>
3 Number of hair bones

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The hair

# newLeg(typeopt, sideopt, thighopt, calfopt, footopt, clawsopt, positionopt, locationopt, viewopt) → {OCOLimb}

Creates a new leg.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
type OCO.LimbType <optional>
OCO.LimbType.HOMINOID The type of limb
side OCO.Side <optional>
OCO.Side.LEFT The side
thigh Boolean <optional>
true Whether to create a thigh
calf Boolean <optional>
true Whether to create a calf
foot Boolean <optional>
true Whether to create a foot
claws Boolean <optional>
false Whether to add claws
position Array.<float> <optional>
The position of the first bone of the arm.
If omitted, computed automatically according to the current character in the doc.
location OCO.Location <optional>
OCO.Location.BACK The location of the limb
view OCO.View <optional>
The view

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The leg

# newLimb(limbopt, sideopt, locationopt, typeopt) → {OCOLimb}

Creates a new limb and adds it to the doc
Name Type Attributes Default Description
limb OCO.Limb <optional>
OCO.Limb.CUSTOM A Predefined limb
side OCO.Side <optional>
OCO.Side.NONE The side of the limb
location OCO.Location <optional>
OCO.Location.NONE The location of the limb
type OCO.LimbType <optional>
OCO.LimbType.CUSTOM The type of the limb

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The new limb

# newSnakeSpine(headopt, spineopt, positionopt) → {OCOLimb}

Creates a new snake spine.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
head Boolean <optional>
true Whether to create a head
spine int <optional>
5 Number of spine bones
position Array.<float> <optional>
The position of the first bone of the arm.
If omitted, computed automatically according to the current character in the doc.

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The snake spine

# newSpine(headopt, neckopt, spineopt, hipsopt, positionopt, viewopt) → {OCOLimb}

Creates a new spine.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
head Boolean <optional>
true Whether to create a head
neck int <optional>
1 Number of neck bones
spine int <optional>
2 Number of spine bones
hips Boolean <optional>
true Whether to create hips
position Array.<float> <optional>
The position of the first bone of the arm.
If omitted, computed automatically according to the current character in the doc.
view OCO.View <optional>
The view

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The spine

# newTail(numBonesopt) → {OCOLimb}

Creates a new tail.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
numBones int <optional>
3 Number of tail bones

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The spine

# newWing(sideopt, armopt, forearmopt, handopt, feathersopt, positionopt, viewopt) → {OCOLimb}

Creates a new wing.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
side OCO.Side <optional>
OCO.Side.LEFT The side
arm Boolean <optional>
true Whether to create an arm / humerus
forearm Boolean <optional>
true Whether to create a forearm
hand Boolean <optional>
true Whether to create a hand
feathers int <optional>
5 Number of feathers
position Array.<float> <optional>
The position of the first bone of the arm.
If omitted, computed automatically according to the current character in the doc.
view OCO.View <optional>
OCO.View.TOP The view

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The wing

# normalizeZIndices(offsetopt) → {int}

Normalizes the Z indices of all bones so they're positive (including 0) and continuous integers.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
offset int <optional>
0 An offset/start number

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The highest index

# numBones() → {int}

Counts the total number of bones in this doc

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# numLimbs() → {int}

Counts the total number of limbs in this doc

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# toComp(compopt, durationopt, floatopt) → {Array.<Layer>}

Creates the limbs and armatures in the comp
Name Type Attributes Default Description
comp CompItem <optional>
The composition to use. If omitted, creates a new composition.
duration float <optional>
60.0 The duration of the new comp, in seconds.
float frameRate <optional>
24.0 The frame rate of the new comp.

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The new layers

# toFile(file) → {File}

Exports the current document to an oco file
Name Type Description
file File | string The file.

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the file.

# toJson(imageEncodingopt, destinationFileopt) → {string}

Creates a JSON string representing this document
Name Type Attributes Default Description
imageEncoding OCO.ImageEncoding <optional>
OCO.ImageEncoding.PATH How to encode images in the OCO File
destinationFile File <optional>
If imageEncoding is `OCO.ImageEncoding.PATH`, you must provide the OCO file to make the paths relative to it.

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the JSON document

# toObject() → {Object}

Creates a js object containing this document data.
This object could then be exported to JSON for example.

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the JS Object

# toPixels(point) → {Array.<int>}

Converts a doc coordinate/value in centimeters to pixel coordinates.
For multidimensionnal values (coordinates), the origin is adjusted from doc to image.
Name Type Description
point Array.<float> The coordinate to convert

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The coordinates in pixels

# updateSize()

Updates the width and height of the character, according to the content.
This method should be called each time a limb/bone is added/removed/edited and the bounds may change.

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