


A collection of tools for exporting and importing stuff in After Effects

DuIO requires DuAEF, the Duduf After Effects Framework. Two builds of the DuIO API are available:

  • DuIO_api.jsxinc does not include DuAEF, and can be used to compine multiple Duduf APIs with a single copy of DuAEF.
    Be careful to grab the right version of DuAEF in this case.
  • DuAEF_DuIO_api.jsxinc includes all dependencies, with DuAEF, and is easier to include in your scripts.

  • 3.0.0
  • Nicolas Dufresne and contributors
  • GPL-3.0
    DuIO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    DuIO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with DuIO. If not, see

View Source DuIO_api.jsxinc, line 113


// Encapsulate everything to avoid global variables!
// The parameter is either undefined (stand alone script) or the panel containing the ui (ScriptUI)
     // If you only need Duik, just include DuAEF_Duik_api
     #include "DuAEF_DuIO_api.jsxinc";
     // Running the init() method of DuAEF is required to setup everything properly.
     DuAEF.init( "YourScriptName", "1.0.0", "YourCompanyName" );
     // These info can be used by the framework to improve UX, but they're optional
     DuESF.chatURL = ''; // A link to a live-chat server like Discord or Slack...
     DuESF.bugReportURL = ''; // A link to a bug report form
     DuESF.featureRequestURL = ''; // A link to a feature request form
     DuESF.aboutURL = ''; // A link to the webpage about your script
     DuESF.docURL = ''; // A link to the documentation of the script
     DuESF.scriptAbout = 'Duduf Groups: group After Effects layers!'; // A short string describing your script
     DuESF.companyURL = ''; // A link to your company's website
     DuESF.rxVersionURL = '' // A link to an RxVersion server to check for updates
     // Build your UI here, declare your methods, etc.

     // This will be our main panel
     var ui = DuScriptUI.scriptPanel( thisObj, true, true, new File($.fileName) );
     ui.addCommonSettings(); // Automatically adds the language settings, location of the settings file, etc

     DuScriptUI.staticText( ui.settingsGroup, "Hello world of settings!" ); // Adds a static text to the settings panel
     DuScriptUI.staticText( ui.mainGroup, "Hello worlds!" ); // Adds a static text to the main panel
     // When you're ready to display everything

     // Note that if you don't have a UI or if you don't use DuScriptUI to show it,
     // you HAVE TO run this method before running any other function:
     // DuAEF.enterRunTime();
// Encapsulate everything to avoid global variables!
// The parameter is either undefined (stand alone script) or the panel containing the ui (ScriptUI)
     // If you need to combine Duik and other APIs like DuIO or DuGR
     // Include DuAEF first, and then stand-alone APIs
     #include "DuAEF.jsxinc";
     #include "DuGR_api.jsxinc";
     #include "Duik_api.jsxinc";
     #include "DuIO_api.jsxinc";
     // Running the init() method of DuAEF is required to setup everything properly.
     DuAEF.init( "YourScriptName", "1.0.0", "YourCompanyName" );
     // These info can be used by the framework to improve UX, but they're optional
     DuESF.chatURL = ''; // A link to a live-chat server like Discord or Slack...
     DuESF.bugReportURL = ''; // A link to a bug report form
     DuESF.featureRequestURL = ''; // A link to a feature request form
     DuESF.aboutURL = ''; // A link to the webpage about your script
     DuESF.docURL = ''; // A link to the documentation of the script
     DuESF.scriptAbout = 'Duduf Groups: group After Effects layers!'; // A short string describing your script
     DuESF.companyURL = ''; // A link to your company's website
     DuESF.rxVersionURL = '' // A link to an RxVersion server to check for updates
     // Build your UI here, declare your methods, etc.

     // This will be our main panel
     var ui = DuScriptUI.scriptPanel( thisObj, true, true, new File($.fileName) );
     ui.addCommonSettings(); // Automatically adds the language settings, location of the settings file, etc

     DuScriptUI.staticText( ui.settingsGroup, "Hello world of settings!" ); // Adds a static text to the settings panel
     DuScriptUI.staticText( ui.mainGroup, "Hello worlds!" ); // Adds a static text to the main panel
     // When you're ready to display everything

     // Note that if you don't have a UI or if you don't use DuScriptUI to show it,
     // you HAVE TO run this method before running any other function:
     // DuAEF.enterRunTime();


  • module:DuAEF>=1.0.0

