


The lazy animator's toolkit.

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# static readonly NLACompType

The types of the comps in an NLA
Name Type Description
NONE number
RENDER number
CLIP number
EDIT number

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# static readonly NLAPrefixes

The prefixes for the NLA comp & folder names.
These may be localized, don't use the actual strings!
Name Type Description
FOLDER string
RENDER string
CLIP string
EDIT string

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# static addNLAClip(nlaCompopt) → {int}

Creates a clip and adds it to the NLA
Name Type Attributes Description
nlaComp CompItem <optional>
A comp belonging to an NLA, the active comp if omitted.

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Success code: 1 if the clip could be created, 0 if the original comp is not found, -1 if the NLA is invalid/not found

# static bakeComposition(modeopt, frameStepopt)

Bakes the expressions to keyframes, and remove all non-renderable layers
Name Type Attributes Default Description
mode DuAEExpression.BakeAlgorithm <optional>
DuAEExpression.BakeAlgorithm.SMART The algorithm to use for baking the expressions.
frameStep float <optional>
1.0 By default, checks one value per keyframe. A lower value increases the precision and allows for sub-frame sampling. A higher value is faster but less precise.

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# static bakeExpressions(modeopt, frameStepopt, selectionModeopt)

Bakes the expressions to keyframes
Name Type Attributes Default Description
mode DuAEExpression.BakeAlgorithm <optional>
DuAEExpression.BakeAlgorithm.SMART The algorithm to use for baking the expressions.
frameStep float <optional>
1.0 By default, checks one value per keyframe. A lower value increases the precision and allows for sub-frame sampling. A higher value is faster but less precise.
selectionMode Duik.SelectionMode <optional>
DuAE.SelectionMode.SELECTED_PROPERTIES The expressions to bake

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# static copyExpression(propopt) → {string}

Copies the expression from the property, which can be pasted in multiple properties with Duik.Automation.pasteExpression.
Name Type Attributes Description
prop Property | DuAEProperty <optional>
The property, the selected/active property if omitted.

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The expression.

# static effector(compopt)

Creates a spatial effector to control the selected properties.
Name Type Attributes Description
comp CompItem <optional>
The composition containing the effector. The active composition by default.

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# static effectorMap(mapLayer, propsopt)

Creates a map (texture) effector to control the selected properties.
Name Type Attributes Description
mapLayer AVLayer The layer to use as a texture/map.
props Array.<Property> | Array.<DuAEProperty> <optional>
The properties, the selected properties if omitted (or the selected layers).

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# static getNLAComps(nlaFolder) → {Array.<CompItem>}

Gets the render, original and edit comps for this NLA
Name Type Description
nlaFolder FolderItem The NLA Folder

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The compositions in this order: [Original, Edit, Render]. Note that if one is not found, null is returned.

# static getNLAFolder(comp) → {FolderItem|null}

Gets the folder containing the NLA Compositions like the given comp.
Name Type Description
comp CompItem The comp

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The folder or null if the comp is not part of an NLA
FolderItem | null

# static kleaner(propsopt, effectopt) → {PropertyGroup|null}

Adds the Kleaner effect and expression to the properties. The Kleaner (Keyframe Cleaner) makes it quick and easy to interpolate, add anticipation, overlap and follow through to any animation.
Name Type Attributes Description
props Array.<PropertyBase> | Array.<DuAEProperty> | DuList.<PropertyBase> | PropertyBase | DuAEProperty <optional>
The properties, the selected properties if omitted (or the selected layers).
effect PropertyGroup <optional>
The pseudo effect to use if it already exists.

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The Kleaner effect (or null if there's no property to setup).
PropertyGroup | null

# static looper(propsopt, effectopt) → {PropertyGroup}

Adds a loop expression and pseudo effect with more options than the loopOut and loopIn expressions.
Name Type Attributes Description
props Array.<PropertyBase> | DuList.<PropertyBase> | PropertyBase <optional>
The properties to loop. The selected properties in the active comp if omitted.
effect PropertyGroup <optional>
The pseudo effect to use if it already exists.

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The pseudo-effect

# static motionTrail(createNewLayeropt, layersopt)

Draws a trail following the selected layers.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
createNewLayer Boolean <optional>
false Option to create a new layer for each trail.
layers AVLayer | Array.<AVLayer> | DuList.<AVLayer> <optional>
DuAEComp.getSelectedLayers() The layers

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# static moveAway(layersopt)

Adds a control to move the layers away from their parent.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
layers AVLayer | Array.<AVLayer> | DuList.<AVLayer> <optional>
DuAEComp.getSelectedLayers() The layers

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# static NLAType() → {Duik.Automation.NLACompType}

Checks if the given comp is part of an NLA

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The type of the comp; Duik.Automation.NLACompType.NONE if it's not part of an NLA.

# static paintRig(layersopt)

Rigs paint effects and brush strokes to animate them more easily.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
layers AVLayer | Array.<AVLayer> | DuList.<AVLayer> <optional>
DuAEComp.getSelectedLayers() The layers

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# static pasteExpression(propsopt, expressionopt)

Pastes the expression previously copied with Duik.Automation.copyExpression.
Name Type Attributes Description
props Array.<Property> | Array.<DuAEProperty> <optional>
The properties where to paste the expression, the selecte properties if omitted.
expression string <optional>
A specific expression to paste.

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# static random(separateDimensionsopt, individualControlsopt, propsopt)

Adds a completely random animation to the selected properties.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
separateDimensions Bool <optional>
false Use one value for each dimension/channel.
individualControls Bool <optional>
false Use one control for each of the properties.
props Array.<PropertyBase> | Array.<DuAEProperty> | DuList.<PropertyBase> | PropertyBase | DuAEProperty <optional>
The properties, the selected properties if omitted (or the selected layers).

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# static randomizeKeyTimes(min, max, offsetopt, gaussianopt, propsopt)

Shuffles the key times (moves them in time).
Name Type Attributes Default Description
min int The minimum value, in frames.
max int The maximum value, in frames.
offset Boolean <optional>
true If true, offsets the current values. If false, sets absolute values.
gaussian Boolean <optional>
true If true, uses random values with a gaussian distribution instead of true random values.
props Array.<PropertyBase> | Array.<DuAEProperty> | DuList.<PropertyBase> | PropertyBase | DuAEProperty <optional>
The properties, the selected properties if omitted (or the selected layers).

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# static randomizeKeyValues(xMinopt, xMaxopt, yMinopt, yMaxopt, zMinopt, zMaxopt, offsetopt, separateopt, gaussianopt, propsopt)

Assigns random values to the values of the selected keyframes.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
xMin float <optional>
The minimum X Value
xMax float <optional>
The maximum X Value
yMin float <optional>
The minimum Y Value
yMax float <optional>
The maximum Y Value
zMin float <optional>
The minimum Z Value
zMax float <optional>
The maximum Z Value
offset Boolean <optional>
true If true, offsets the current values. If false, sets absolute values.
separate Boolean <optional>
true If true, sets a different value for all axis. If false, use the same value for all axis, ignore Y and Z values.
gaussian Boolean <optional>
true If true, uses random values with a gaussian distribution instead of true random values.
props Array.<PropertyBase> | Array.<DuAEProperty> | DuList.<PropertyBase> | PropertyBase | DuAEProperty <optional>
The properties, the selected properties if omitted (or the selected layers).

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# static randomizeLayerIndices(min, max, offsetopt, gaussianopt, layersopt)

Shuffles the layer indices (their position in the layer stack).
Name Type Attributes Default Description
min int The minimum value, in frames.
max int The maximum value, in frames.
offset Boolean <optional>
true If true, offsets the current values. If false, sets absolute values.
gaussian Boolean <optional>
true If true, uses random values with a gaussian distribution instead of true random values.
layers AVLayer | Array.<AVLayer> | DuList.<AVLayer> <optional>
DuAEComp.getSelectedLayers() The layers

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# static randomizeLayerInPoints(min, max, offsetopt, gaussianopt, layersopt)

Shuffles the layer in points.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
min int The minimum value, in frames.
max int The maximum value, in frames.
offset Boolean <optional>
true If true, offsets the current values. If false, sets absolute values.
gaussian Boolean <optional>
true If true, uses random values with a gaussian distribution instead of true random values.
layers AVLayer | Array.<AVLayer> | DuList.<AVLayer> <optional>
DuAEComp.getSelectedLayers() The layers

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# static randomizeLayerOutPoints(min, max, offsetopt, gaussianopt, layersopt)

Shuffles the layer out points.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
min int The minimum value, in frames.
max int The maximum value, in frames.
offset Boolean <optional>
true If true, offsets the current values. If false, sets absolute values.
gaussian Boolean <optional>
true If true, uses random values with a gaussian distribution instead of true random values.
layers AVLayer | Array.<AVLayer> | DuList.<AVLayer> <optional>
DuAEComp.getSelectedLayers() The layers

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# static randomizeLayerTimes(min, max, offsetopt, gaussianopt, layersopt)

Shuffles the layer start times (moves them in time).
Name Type Attributes Default Description
min int The minimum value, in frames.
max int The maximum value, in frames.
offset Boolean <optional>
true If true, offsets the current values. If false, sets absolute values.
gaussian Boolean <optional>
true If true, uses random values with a gaussian distribution instead of true random values.
layers AVLayer | Array.<AVLayer> | DuList.<AVLayer> <optional>
DuAEComp.getSelectedLayers() The layers

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# static randomizeValues(xMinopt, xMaxopt, yMinopt, yMaxopt, zMinopt, zMaxopt, offsetopt, separateopt, gaussianopt, propsopt)

Assigns random values to the properties at the current time.
This method creates keyframes if the properties are animated.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
xMin float <optional>
The minimum X Value
xMax float <optional>
The maximum X Value
yMin float <optional>
The minimum Y Value
yMax float <optional>
The maximum Y Value
zMin float <optional>
The minimum Z Value
zMax float <optional>
The maximum Z Value
offset Boolean <optional>
true If true, offsets the current values. If false, sets absolute values.
separate Boolean <optional>
true If true, sets a different value for all axis. If false, use the same value for all axis, ignore Y and Z values.
gaussian Boolean <optional>
true If true, uses random values with a gaussian distribution instead of true random values.
props Array.<PropertyBase> | Array.<DuAEProperty> | DuList.<PropertyBase> | PropertyBase | DuAEProperty <optional>
The properties, the selected properties if omitted (or the selected layers).

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# static removeExpressions(keepPostExpressionValueopt, propsopt)

Removes the expressions from the properties.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
keepPostExpressionValue Boolean <optional>
true Set to false to just remove the expressions and get back the pre expression value.
props Array.<Property> | Array.<DuAEProperty> <optional>
The properties, the selected properties if omitted (or the selected layers).

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# static rigWalk(ctrls)

Animates the given controllers with a wolk/run cycle.
Name Type Description
ctrls Object The controllers to setup. An object containing these layers:
ctrls.head The head controller
ctrls.neck The neck controller
ctrls.torso The torso controller
ctrls.spine The spine controller
ctrls.hips The hips controller
ctrls.body The body controller
ctrls.rHand The right hand controller
ctrls.lHand The left hand controller
ctrls.rFoot The right foot controller
ctrls.lFoot The left foot controller
Note that some of these may be undefined/null.

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# static setupNLA(compopt, selectedPropsopt, transformPropsopt, effectPropsopt, layerTypesopt, propsopt)

Sets up a non-linear animation comp.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
comp CompItem <optional>
The composition to set up. The active composition if omitted.
selectedProps Boolean <optional>
true Use only currently selected properties if true, all properties (according to the other options) if false.
transformProps Boolean <optional>
If true, filters only properties in the transform group of the layers. Ignored if selectedProps is true.
effectProps Boolean <optional>
If true, filters only properties in effects. Ignored if selectedProps is true.
layerTypes Array.<Duik.Layer.Type> <optional>
[Duik.Layer.Type.CONTROLLER] The types of layer to setup if there's no selected layer; if empty, will setup all layers.
props Array.<PropertyBase> | DuList | Array.<DuAEProperty> <optional>
A list of properties to set up. In case this parameter is provided, all other parameters are ignored.

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# static shifts(propsopt) → {DuAEProperty|null}

Adds the Shifts effect and expression to the properties. The Shifts tool makes the property shift value at random (or regular, or quasi-regular) intervals
Name Type Attributes Description
props Array.<PropertyBase> | Array.<DuAEProperty> | DuList | PropertyBase | DuAEProperty <optional>
The properties, the selected properties if omitted.

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The Swink effect.
DuAEProperty | null

# static swink(propsopt, blinkopt) → {Array.<DuAEProperty>}

Adds the Swink effect and expression to the properties. The Swink (Swing and Blink) makes the property swing between two values, with optional controls on the interpolation.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
props Array.<PropertyBase> | Array.<DuAEProperty> | DuList | PropertyBase | DuAEProperty <optional>
The properties, the selected properties if omitted (or the selected layers).
blink boolean <optional>
false Set to true to set the interpolation to hold by default.

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The Swink effects.

# static timeRemap(layersopt)

Activates the time remapping on the layers, adjusts the keyframes and adds a loop effect.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
layers AVLayer | Array.<AVLayer> | DuList.<AVLayer> <optional>
DuAEComp.getSelectedLayers() The layers

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# static toggleExpressions(propsopt)

Disables the expressions from the properties.
Name Type Attributes Description
props Array.<Property> | Array.<DuAEProperty> <optional>
The properties, the selected properties if omitted (or the selected layers).

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# static walk(controllersopt)

Animates the selected character using a procedural walk or run cycle.
Name Type Attributes Description
controllers Array.<Layer> | DuList.<Layer> <optional>
The controllers to setup. If omitted, will get the selected controllers, or all the controllers of the current comp.

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# static wheel(layersopt)

Automates the rotation of layers as wheels
Name Type Attributes Default Description
layers AVLayer | Array.<AVLayer> | DuList.<AVLayer> <optional>
DuAEComp.getSelectedLayers() The layers

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# static wiggle(separateDimensionsopt, individualControlsopt, propsopt)

Adds a random but smooth animation to the selected properties.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
separateDimensions Bool <optional>
false Use one value for each dimension/channel.
individualControls Bool <optional>
false Use one control for each of the properties.
props Array.<PropertyBase> | Array.<DuAEProperty> | DuList.<PropertyBase> | PropertyBase | DuAEProperty <optional>
The properties, the selected properties if omitted (or the selected layers).

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