


For use with DuScriptUI.
A drop down selector.
This is not a real class, and cannot be instanciated.
Use DuScriptUI.layerSelector to create a Selector.
The Selector inherits the Group object from ScriptUI and has all of its properties and methods.

# new DuAELayerSelector()

Name Type Attributes Default Description
index int <optional>
0 The current layer index, 0 if None
comp CompItem | null <optional>
null The composition linked to the selector.
If set to null, the seletor will use the current active composition.
selectedOnly boolean <optional>
false True to list only selected layers in the composition
onChange Selector~onChange The function to execute when the index changes.
You can set your own function here, which must take no argument.
The method is called after the index has changed.

View Source DuAEF.jsxinc, line 19168


# static refresh()

Force the refresh of the layer list

View Source DuAEF.jsxinc, line 19201

# static setCurrentIndex(index)

Changes the selection and the current layer index of the selector
Name Type Description
index int The new layer index

View Source DuAEF.jsxinc, line 19193

Type Definitions

# onChange()

The function to execute when the index changes.
The method is called after the index has changed.

View Source DuAEF.jsxinc, line 19186