


After Effects composition methods

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# static RendererNames

Associative array to get Comp Renderer names from their matchNames

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# static addAdjustmentLayer(compopt) → {ShapeLayer}

Creates a new "Adjustment Shape Layer" in the comp.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
comp CompItem <optional>
DuAEProject.getActiveComp The comp where to create the layer

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The adjustment layer

# static addNull(compopt, sizeopt, layeropt) → {ShapeLayer}

Creates a new "Null Shape" in the comp.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
comp CompItem <optional>
DuAEProject.getActiveComp The comp where to create the layer
size float <optional>
100 The size of the null
layer Layer <optional>
A layer for the location of the null

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The null layer

# static addShape(shapeopt, coloropt, compopt) → {ShapeLayer}

Creates a new Shape Layer in the comp.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
shape DuAEShapeLayer.Primitive <optional>
DuAEShapeLayer.Primitive.NONE The shape
color DuColor <optional>
DuColor.Color.RAINBOX_RED The color of the shape
comp CompItem <optional>
DuAEProject.getActiveComp The comp where to create the layer

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The adjustment layer

# static addSolid(coloropt, compopt) → {ShapeLayer}

Creates a new "Solid Shape Layer" in the comp.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
color DuColor <optional>
DuColor.Color.RAINBOX_RED The color of the solid
comp CompItem <optional>
DuAEProject.getActiveComp The comp where to create the layer

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The adjustment layer

# static bake(modeopt, frameStepopt, compopt)

Bakes the expressions to keyframes and removes all non-renderable layers.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
mode DuAEExpression.BakeAlgorithm <optional>
DuAEExpression.BakeAlgorithm.SMART The algorithm to use for baking the expressions.
frameStep float <optional>
1.0 By default, checks one value per keyframe. A lower value increases the precision and allows for sub-frame sampling. A higher value is faster but less precise.
comp CompItem <optional>
The composition. The active composition by default.

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# static bakeExpressions(modeopt, frameStepopt, compopt)

Bakes the expressions to keyframes.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
mode DuAEExpression.BakeAlgorithm <optional>
DuAEExpression.BakeAlgorithm.SMART The algorithm to use for baking the expressions.
frameStep float <optional>
1.0 By default, checks one value per keyframe. A lower value increases the precision and allows for sub-frame sampling. A higher value is faster but less precise.
comp CompItem <optional>
The composition. The active composition by default.

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# static camera(layersopt) → {CameraLayer|null}

Gets the camera in the comp, in the given layers if possible.
Name Type Attributes Description
layers Array.<Layer> | DuList.<Layer> <optional>
Some layers to find the camera first. Selected layers if omitted.

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The camera if it was found.
CameraLayer | null

# static checkLayerNames(compopt) → {Object}

Checks if all layers have a different name.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
comp CompItem <optional>
DuAEProject.getActiveComp The comp to check

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The list of names used several times. Check the length attribute to know how many duplicates were found, loop through the keys to get the names. Eech key is an array containing the list of layers with that name.
var dupes = DuAEComp.checkLayerNames();
if (dupes.length != 0) {
for (name in dupes)
    if (dupes.hasOwnProperty(name)) alert(dupes[name]); //dupes[name] is an array of Layer

# static crop(bounds, compopt)

Crops a composition
Name Type Attributes Description
bounds Array.<float> The bounds [top, left, width, height]
comp CompItem <optional>
The composition. The active composition by default.

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# static doLayers(method, compopt, reverseopt)

Runs a function on all the layers
Name Type Attributes Default Description
method function The function to run on the layers, which takes a layer as its only argument.
comp CompItem <optional>
The comp containing the layers. Will use the current comp if not provided.
reverse Bool <optional>
false Set this to true to iterate from the end.

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# static framesToTime(frames, compopt) → {float}

Converts the number of frames to the time in seconds
Name Type Attributes Default Description
frames int The frames
comp CompItem <optional>
DuAEProject.getActiveComp The comp

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The time, in seconds

# static getActiveLayer() → {Layer|null}

Gets the first selected layer in the After Effects current composition

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The layer or null if there's no current comp / no selected layer
Layer | null

# static getAnimatedProps(filteropt, strictopt, caseSensitiveopt, selectedLayersOnlyopt, compopt) → {Array.<DuAEProperty>}

Gets the After Effects animated (with keyframes) properties in the current comp
Name Type Attributes Default Description
filter PropertyType | PropertyValueType | string | function <optional>
A filter to get only a certain type, or value type, or property name or matchName.
A function which take one PropertyBase as argument can be used to filter the properties: the Property will be returned if the function returns true.
strict boolean <optional>
false If a string filter is provided, whether to search for the exact name/matchName or if it contains the filter.
caseSensitive boolean <optional>
true If a string filter is provided, and not strict is false, does the search have to be case sensitive?
selectedLayersOnly boolean <optional>
false True to get the properties on the selected layers only
comp CompItem <optional>
DuAEProject.getActiveComp The composition

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The selected properties, an empty Array if nothing active or selected

# static getAudioLayers(comp, audioActiveOnlyopt) → {Array.<AVLayer>}

Gets all the layers with audio in the composition
Name Type Attributes Default Description
comp CompItem The composition where the audio will be searched
audioActiveOnly bool <optional>
false If true, does not get muted layers.

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An array of AVLayer containing the audio layers

# static getParentComps(item) → {Array.<CompItem>}

Recursively gets all compositions where this item is used
Name Type Description
item AVItem The item

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The compositions

# static getPrecomps(compopt, recursiveopt) → {DuList.<CompItem>}

Gets all the precomposition found in the comp.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
comp CompItem <optional>
The composition. The active composition if ommitted.
recursive bool <optional>
false True to get nested compositions

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The precompositions

# static getRelatives(compopt, recursiveopt) → {Array.<CompItem>}

Gets all precomps and parent comps of the composition
Name Type Attributes Default Description
comp CompItem <optional>
DuAEProject.getActiveComp() The composition
recursive bool <optional>
false True to search to more than one level of precomposition

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The related compositons

# static getSelectedLayers() → {Array.<Layer>}

Gets the selected layers in the current comp

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The selected layers

# static getSelectedProperty(compopt) → {DuAEProperty|null}

Gets the first selected property (which is not a group)
Name Type Attributes Description
comp CompItem <optional>
The comnposition. The active composition by default.

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The selected property.
DuAEProperty | null

# static getSelectedProps(filteropt, strictopt, caseSensitiveopt) → {Array.<DuAEProperty>}

Gets the After Effects selected properties in the current comp
Name Type Attributes Default Description
filter PropertyType | PropertyValueType | string | function <optional>
A filter to get only a certain type, or value type, or property name or matchName.
A function which take one PropertyBase as argument can be used to filter the properties: the Property will be returned if the function returns true.
strict boolean <optional>
false If a string filter is provided, whether to search for the exact name/matchName or if it contains the filter.
caseSensitive boolean <optional>
true If a string filter is provided, and not strict is false, does the search have to be case sensitive?

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The selected properties, an empty Array if nothing active or selected

# static newUniqueLayerName(newName, compopt, incrementopt) → {string}

Generates a new unique name for a layer
Name Type Attributes Default Description
newName string The wanted new name
comp CompItem <optional>
The comp
increment boolean <optional>
true true to automatically increment the new name if it already ends with a digit

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The unique name, with a new number at the end if needed.

# static newUniqueMarkerName(newName, comp, incrementopt) → {string}

Generates a new unique name for a marker for this comp
Name Type Attributes Default Description
newName string The wanted new name
comp CompItem The comp
increment boolean <optional>
true true to automatically increment the new name if it already ends with a digit

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The unique name, with a new number at the end if needed.

# static numMasterProperties(compopt) → {int}

Gets the total number of master properties used on precompositions in the comp.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
comp CompItem <optional>
DuAEProject.getActiveComp The composition to check

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The number of master properties

# static parentAllOrphans(layer, includeLockedLayersopt)

Links all orphan layers in the comp to a layer
Name Type Attributes Default Description
layer Layer The parent layer
includeLockedLayers bool <optional>
false True to parent layers even if they are locked

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# static removeCompInExpressions(selectionModeopt)

Replace all comp("name") occurences by thisComp.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
selectionMode DuAE.SelectionMode <optional>
DuAE.ACTIVE_COMPOSITION The comp(s)/layers/properties to use.

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# static removeLayerInExpressions(selectionModeopt)

Replace all comp("name") occurences by thisComp.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
selectionMode DuAE.SelectionMode <optional>
DuAE.ACTIVE_COMPOSITION The comp(s)/layers/properties to use.

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# static removeThisCompInExpressions(selectionModeopt)

Replace all thisComp occurences by comp("name").
Name Type Attributes Default Description
selectionMode DuAE.SelectionMode <optional>
DuAE.ACTIVE_COMPOSITION The comp(s)/layers/properties to use.

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# static removeThisLayerInExpressions(selectionModeopt)

Replace all thisLayer occurences by layer("name").
Name Type Attributes Default Description
selectionMode DuAE.SelectionMode <optional>
DuAE.ACTIVE_COMPOSITION The comp(s)/layers/properties to use.

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# static replaceInExpressions(oldString, newString, caseSensitiveopt, selectedLayersopt, compopt)

Replaces text in Expressions
Name Type Attributes Default Description
oldString string The string to replace
newString string The new string
caseSensitive boolean <optional>
true Whether the search has to be case sensitive
selectedLayers boolean <optional>
false Set to true to cache only selected layers.
comp CompItem <optional>
DuAEProject.getActiveComp() The comp with expressions to cache.

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# static selectLayers(layers)

Selects the layers
Name Type Description
layers Array.<Layer> | DuList.<Layer> The layers

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# static setUniqueCompName(comp) → {string}

Makes sure the composition has a unique name, renaming it if needed.
Name Type Description
comp CompItem The composition

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The new name.

# static setUniqueLayerNames(layersopt, compopt)

Makes sure all layers in the comp have unique names, renaming them if needed.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
layers Array | LayerCollection <optional>
comp.layers The layers
comp CompItem <optional>
DuAEProject.getActiveComp The composition

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# static thumbnail(file, maxResopt, timeopt, compopt) → {Boolean}

Saves a thumbnail of the comp to a PNG file
Name Type Attributes Default Description
file File The file to save the thumbnail
maxRes Array.<int> <optional>
[500,500] The maximum resolution of the thumbnail, which will be smaller than that, but not exactly this size.
time float <optional>
The time at which to grab the picture. If omitted, will use the current time.
comp CompItem <optional>
DuAEProject.getActiveComp() The composition

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True on success, false otherwise.

# static timeToFrames(timeopt, compopt) → {int}

Converts the time in seconds to the number of frames
Name Type Attributes Default Description
time float <optional>
comp.time The time in seconds
comp CompItem <optional>
DuAEProject.getActiveComp The comp

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The number of frames, rounded

# static unselectLayers(compopt) → {Array.<Layer>}

Deselects all layers in a composition
Name Type Attributes Default Description
comp CompItem <optional>
app.project.activeItem The composition

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The previously selected layers.
A custom attribute, Layer.props is added on each layer object which is an array of all previously selected properties as DuAEProperty objects

# static unselectProperties()

Deselects all properties in the current composition

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# static updateSettings(settings, updatePrecompsopt, compsopt)

Updates the composition settings
Name Type Attributes Default Description
settings Object The settings to update.
updatePrecomps bool <optional>
true Set to false to update only the selected/current comp
comps Array.<CompItem> <optional>
The compositions to update. If omitted, will update either the selected items in the project or the current composition

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