


For use with DuScriptUI.
A complete library interface.
This is not a real class, and cannot be instanciated.
Use DuScriptUI.library to create a Library.
The Library inherits the Group object from ScriptUI and has all of its properties and methods.

# new DuLibrary()

Name Type Description
list ListBox The Listbox with the current items for the library. Items are extended with new properties, see DuListItem for more details.
library DuLibraryItem The associated library data. Use setLibrary to change it.
onRun DuLibrary~onRun The function used to run the selected item.
onAltRun DuLibrary~onAltRun The function used to run the selected item with alt click.
onCtrlRun DuLibrary~onCtrlRun The function used to run the selected item with ctrl click.
onCtrlAltRun DuLibrary~onCtrlAltRun The function used to run the selected item with ctrl alt click.
onEditData DuLibrary~onEditData The function to execute to edit data.
onFolderOpened DuLibrary~onFolderOpened The function to open a containing folder
onFolderEdited DuLibrary~onFolderEdited The function to edit the folder
onAddItem DuLibrary~onAddItem The function to execute when adding a new item.
onEditItem DuLibrary~onEditItem The function to execute when editing an item.
onRemoveItem DuLibrary~onRemoveItem The function to execute when removing an item.
onRefresh DuLibrary~onRefresh The function to execute to refresh the library.
setLibrary DuLibrary~setLibrary Sets a new library. May be called from onRefresh to replace the lib by a new one.
runItem DuLibrary~setLibrary Runs the selected item. Tied to the apply/run button by default.

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  • Group

Type Definitions

# onAddItem(category)

The function to execute when adding a new item.
Name Type Description
category Object The current category.

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# onAddItem(item, category)

The function to execute when editing an item.
Name Type Description
item DuListItem The item to edit.
category Object The current category.

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# onAltRun(item)

The function used to run the selected item.
Name Type Description
item DuListItem The item to run/apply.

View Source DuAEF.jsxinc, line 15245

# onCtrlAltRun(item)

The function used to run the selected item.
Name Type Description
item DuListItem The item to run/apply.

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# onCtrlRun(item)

The function used to run the selected item.
Name Type Description
item DuListItem The item to run/apply.

View Source DuAEF.jsxinc, line 15252

# onEditData(item)

The function used to edit an item data.
Name Type Description
item DuListItem The item to edit.

View Source DuAEF.jsxinc, line 15266

# onFolderEdited(item, category)

The function to edit the folder.
Name Type Description
item DuListItem The item to edit.
category Object The current category.

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# onFolderOpened(item, category)

The function to open a containing folder.
Name Type Description
item DuListItem The item to edit.
category Object The current category.

View Source DuAEF.jsxinc, line 15273

# onRefresh(category)

The function to execute to refresh the library.
Name Type Description
category DuLibraryItem The category to refresh.

View Source DuAEF.jsxinc, line 15224

# onRemoveItem(item, category)

The function to execute when removing an item.
Name Type Description
item DuListItem The item to remove.
category Object The current category.

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# onRun(item)

The function used to run the selected item.
Name Type Description
item DuListItem The item to run/apply.

View Source DuAEF.jsxinc, line 15238

# setLibrary(newLib)

Sets a new library. May be called from onRefresh to replace the lib by a new one.
Name Type Description
newLib DuLibraryItem The new library.

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