


UI tools to show sanity levels and settings

View Source DuSan_api.jsxinc, line 1128


# static button(container, addLabelopt, autoUpdateopt) → {DuButton}

Creates a button to show the current sanity level
Name Type Attributes Default Description
container Group A ScriptUI group where to add the button
addLabel boolean <optional>
true Adds a label next to the icon
autoUpdate boolean <optional>
true If true, the button will be automatically updated according to the current sanity level. Otherwise, call setLevel to change the level.

View Source DuSan_api.jsxinc, line 1240

The DuButton

# static icon(container, addLabelopt, autoUpdateopt) → {Group}

Creates an icon to show the current sanity level
Name Type Attributes Default Description
container Group A ScriptUI group where to add the icon
addLabel boolean <optional>
true Adds a label next to the icon
autoUpdate boolean <optional>
true If true, the icon will be automatically updated according to the current sanity level. Otherwise, call setLevel to change the level.

View Source DuSan_api.jsxinc, line 1140

The ScriptUI Group containing the icon and its label

# static panel(container) → {Group}

Creates a panel showing all tests and current status
Name Type Description
container Group The ScriptUI Group containing the DuSanity panel

View Source DuSan_api.jsxinc, line 1307

The panel

# static test(container, test) → {Group}

Adds the UI to display a test in the UI
Name Type Description
container Group A ScriptUI group where to add the test report
test DuSanity.Test The test to show

View Source DuSan_api.jsxinc, line 1332

The ScriptUI Group containing the test report