

DuProcess(processPath, argsopt, timeoutopt)

A class to launch and manage processes, using the system command line.

# new DuProcess(processPath, argsopt, timeoutopt)

Constructs a new DuProcess instance
Name Type Attributes Default Description
processPath string The path to the process executable binary
args Array.<string> <optional>
The common arguments used to run the process. You can append arguments each time you run the process with start(args)
timeout int <optional>
0 Waiting timeout after process start, in ms, 0 to avoid waiting, -1 for infinite. If the process times out, process will not be killed, the script will just stop waiting.

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# static args

The common arguments used to run the process. You can append arguments each time you run the process with start(args)

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# static readonly isAppPackage

True if the process path leads to an application package (.app folder containing at least "/Contents/MacOS") on mac. False otherwise.

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# static readonly latestCommand

The latest command which has been run.

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# static readonly processPath

The path to the process executable binary

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# static queue

An Array of arguments array.
Arrays of arguments in the queue will be processed one after each other.
Update the Array and launch the queue with startQueue()

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# static timeout

Waiting timeout after process start, in ms, 0 to avoid waiting, -1 for infinite.
If the process times out, process will not be killed, the script will just stop waiting. Default: 0

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# static isAppPackage(path) → {bool}

Checks if a given path leads to an Application package on Mac, i.e. it's a path ending with .app containing at least Contents/MacOS/.
Name Type Description
path string | Folder | File The path to the file or folder to check.

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true if path is an application package.

# static run(process, argsopt, detachedopt) → {string}

Runs a command with some arguments.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
process string | File The process or a path to the process.
args Array.<string> <optional>
[] The arguments to pass to the command.
detached bool <optional>
false The script won't wait for the command to finish.

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The output from the command.

# buildCmd(argsopt) → {string}

Builds and returns the command line
Name Type Attributes Description
args Array.<string> <optional>
Args to append to DuProcess.args before starting

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The command

# buildQueueCmd() → {string}

Builds and returns the command line to launch the current queue

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The command

# start(args, timeoutopt)

Starts the process
Name Type Attributes Description
args Array Args to append to DuProcess.args before starting
timeout int <optional>
Overrides the default timeout.

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# startCmd(cmd)

Starts a command (in another thread).
Name Type Description
cmd string The command to start

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# startQueue(timeoutopt)

Starts the queue
Name Type Attributes Description
timeout int <optional>
Overrides the default timeout.

View Source DuAEF.jsxinc, line 8936

# waitForFinished(timeoutopt)

Waits for the process to finish
Name Type Attributes Description
timeout int <optional>
Overrides the default timeout.

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