


The animator's toolkit.

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# static addContinuousKey(animatedPropsopt, selectedLayersopt)

Adds a Continuous key to the properties at current time
Name Type Attributes Default Description
animatedProps Bool <optional>
true Set to false to add a key to all selected properties, instead of all animated properties.
selectedLayers Bool <optional>
true Set to false to add a key to all layers instead of just the selection.

View Source api3.jsxinc, line 20199

# static addEaseInKey(animatedPropsopt, selectedLayersopt, easeopt)

Adds an Ease In key to the properties at current time
Name Type Attributes Default Description
animatedProps Bool <optional>
true Set to false to add a key to all selected properties, instead of all animated properties.
selectedLayers Bool <optional>
true Set to false to add a key to all layers instead of just the selection.
ease int <optional>
33 The ease influence.

View Source api3.jsxinc, line 20043

# static addEaseOutKey(animatedPropsopt, selectedLayersopt, easeopt)

Adds an Ease Out key to the properties at current time
Name Type Attributes Default Description
animatedProps Bool <optional>
true Set to false to add a key to all selected properties, instead of all animated properties.
selectedLayers Bool <optional>
true Set to false to add a key to all layers instead of just the selection.
ease int <optional>
33 The ease influence.

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# static addEasyEaseKey(animatedPropsopt, selectedLayersopt, easeInopt, easeOutopt)

Adds an Easy Ease key to the properties at current time
Name Type Attributes Default Description
animatedProps Bool <optional>
true Set to false to add a key to all selected properties, instead of all animated properties.
selectedLayers Bool <optional>
true Set to false to add a key to all layers instead of just the selection.
easeIn int <optional>
33 The ease in influence.
easeOut int <optional>
33 The ease out influence.

View Source api3.jsxinc, line 20146

# static addHoldKey(animatedPropsopt, selectedLayersopt)

Adds a Hold key to the properties at current time
Name Type Attributes Default Description
animatedProps Bool <optional>
true Set to false to add a key to all selected properties, instead of all animated properties.
selectedLayers Bool <optional>
true Set to false to add a key to all layers instead of just the selection.

View Source api3.jsxinc, line 20245

# static addLinearKey(animatedPropsopt, selectedLayersopt)

Adds a linear key to the properties at current time
Name Type Attributes Default Description
animatedProps Bool <optional>
true Set to false to add a key to all selected properties, instead of all animated properties.
selectedLayers Bool <optional>
true Set to false to add a key to all layers instead of just the selection.

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# static addRovingKey(animatedPropsopt, selectedLayersopt)

Adds a roving key to the properties at current time
Name Type Attributes Default Description
animatedProps Bool <optional>
true Set to false to add a key to all selected properties, instead of all animated properties.
selectedLayers Bool <optional>
true Set to false to add a key to all layers instead of just the selection.

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# static celOnionSkin(enabledopt, framesopt, exposureopt, inOpacityopt, outOpacityopt)

(De)activates or updates the onion skin of a Duik cel animation comp.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
enabled Boolean <optional>
true If omitted, will try to get it from the existing cels.
frames int <optional>
5 The duration (in frames) of the onion skin. If omitted, will try to get it from the existing cels.
exposure int <optional>
2 The animation exposure. If omitted, will try to get it from the existing cels.
inOpacity float <optional>
50 The in opacity. If omitted, will try to get it from the existing cels.
outOpacity float <optional>
50 The out opacity. If omitted, will try to get it from the existing cels.

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# static cleanKeyframes(propsopt)

Removes all unneeded keyframes
Name Type Attributes Default Description
props Property | DuAEProperty | Array.<Property> | Array.<DuAEProperty> | DuList <optional>
DuAEComp.getSelectedProps() The properties

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# static copy(compopt) → {Array.<DuAELayerAnimation>}

Copies the currently selected keyframes, which can then be pasted with Duik.Animation.paste.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
comp CompItem <optional>
DuAEProject.getActiveComp The composition

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The list of animations which have been copied.

# static cut(compopt) → {Array.<DuAELayerAnimation>}

Cuts the currently selected keyframes, which can then be pasted with Duik.Animation.paste.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
comp CompItem <optional>
DuAEProject.getActiveComp The composition

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The list of animations which have been copied.

# static fixSpatialInterpolation()

Sets the selected keyframes spatial interpolation to linear

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# static freezePose(animatedPropsopt, selectedLayersopt, useNextPoseopt)

Freezes the pose; copies the previous keyframe to the current time.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
animatedProps Bool <optional>
true Set to false to add a key to all selected properties, instead of all animated properties.
selectedLayers Bool <optional>
true Set to false to add a key to all layers instead of just the selection.
useNextPose Bool <optional>
false If true, will freeze the next pose instead of the previous one (copies the next keyframe to the current time).

View Source api3.jsxinc, line 20535

# static interpolator(propsopt, effectopt) → {PropertyGroup}

Control the selected keyframes with advanced but easy-to-use keyframe interpolation driven by an effect.
Name Type Attributes Description
props Array.<PropertyBase> | DuList | PropertyBase <optional>
The properties to interpolate. The selected properties in the active comp if omitted.
effect PropertyGroup <optional>
The pseudo effect to use if it already exists.

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The pseudo-effect

# static newCel(createNewLayeropt)

Creates a new cel for a Duik cel animation
Name Type Attributes Default Description
createNewLayer Boolean <optional>
false Set to true to create the cel on a new layer

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# static nextCel(exposureopt)

Goes to the next frame in a Duik cel animation
Name Type Attributes Default Description
exposure int <optional>
2 The animation exposure

View Source api3.jsxinc, line 20862

# static paste(compopt, replaceopt, offsetopt, reverseopt)

Pastes the animation previously copied by Duik.Animation.copy to the selected properties.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
comp CompItem <optional>
The composition.
replace Boolean <optional>
false Whether to completely erase and replace the current animation
offset Boolean <optional>
false Whether to offset the animation from the current value
reverse Boolean <optional>
false Whether to reverse the animation

View Source api3.jsxinc, line 19502

# static previousCel(exposureopt)

Goes to the previous frame in a Duik cel animation
Name Type Attributes Default Description
exposure int <optional>
2 The animation exposure

View Source api3.jsxinc, line 20844

# static selectKeyframes(compopt, selectedLayersopt, controllersOnlyopt, rangeopt, propertyMatchNamesopt)

Selects the keyframes in the comp
Name Type Attributes Default Description
comp CompItem <optional>
DuAEProject.getActiveComp The composition
selectedLayers Boolean <optional>
false Set to true to get the keyframes only on the selected layers instead of all the layers.
controllersOnly Boolean <optional>
true Set to false to get the keyframes from all types of layers instead of just the controllers.
range Array.<Number> <optional>
The time range to select the keyframes, [in, out]. If omitted, will use the work area of the composition.
propertyMatchNames Array.<string> | DuList <optional>
[] The list of matchnames to select only keyframes of a specific type. If empty, will select all types of keyframes.

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# static sequenceKeys(durationopt, reverseopt, interpolationopt)

Sequences selected keyframes.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
duration int <optional>
24 The transition duration, in frames
reverse Bool <optional>
false Set to true to reverse the order.
interpolation function <optional>
DuInterpolation.linear An interpolation function, taking 4 arguments in the form i(value, min, max, targetMin, targetMax)

View Source api3.jsxinc, line 21012

# static sequenceLayers(durationopt, moveLayersopt, useInPointsopt, reverseopt, interpolationopt)

Sequences selected layers.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
duration int <optional>
24 The transition duration, in frames
moveLayers Bool <optional>
true If set to false, the layer are not moved, and the in or out points are changed instead (layers are "cut")
useInPoints Bool <optional>
true If moveLayers is false, setting this to false changes the out points instead of the in points (cuts the end instead of the start).
reverse Bool <optional>
false Set to true to reverse the order.
interpolation function <optional>
DuInterpolation.linear An interpolation function, taking 4 arguments in the form i(value, min, max, targetMin, targetMax)

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# static setContinuous()

Sets the selected keyframes to continuous

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# static setEase(easeIn, easeOut)

Sets the ease values on the selected keyframes
Name Type Description
easeIn float The in ease
easeOut float The out ease

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# static setEaseIn(easeopt)

Sets the selected keyframes to ease in
Name Type Attributes Default Description
ease int <optional>
33 The ease influence.

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# static setEaseOut(easeopt)

Sets the selected keyframes to ease out
Name Type Attributes Default Description
ease int <optional>
33 The ease influence.

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# static setEasyEase(easeInopt, easeOutopt)

Sets the selected keyframes to easy ease
Name Type Attributes Default Description
easeIn int <optional>
33 The ease in influence.
easeOut int <optional>
33 The ease out influence.

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# static setHold()

Sets the selected keyframes to hold

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# static setLinear()

Sets the selected keyframes to linear

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# static setRoving()

Sets the selected keyframes to roving

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# static setSpatialBezier()

Sets the selected keyframes spatial interpolation to linear

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# static setSpatialBezierIn()

Sets the selected keyframes spatial interpolation to linear

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# static setSpatialBezierOut()

Sets the selected keyframes spatial interpolation to linear

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# static setSpatialInterpolation()

Sets the selected keyframes spatial interpolation

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# static setSpatialLinear()

Sets the selected keyframes spatial interpolation to linear

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# static setVelocity(vIn, vOut)

Sets the velocity values on the selected keyframes
Name Type Description
vIn float The in velocity
vOut float The out velocity

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# static snapFK(ctrlsopt)

Snaps the FK to the IK values.
Name Type Attributes Description
ctrls Array.<Layer> | DuList.<Layer> <optional>
The controllers to snap.

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# static snapIK(ctrlsopt)

Snaps the IK to the FK values.
Name Type Attributes Description
ctrls Array.<Layer> | DuList.<Layer> <optional>
The controllers to snap.

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# static snapKeys()

Snaps selected (or all) keyframes to the closest frames if they're in between.

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# static splitKeys(durationopt, alignmentopt)

Splits the selected keyframes into couple of keyframes with the same values
Name Type Attributes Default Description
duration int <optional>
2 The number of frames between the two keyframes.
alignment DuAE.TimeAlignment <optional>
DuAE.TimeAlignment.CENTER How to align the new keyframes according to the current time.

View Source api3.jsxinc, line 20455

# static switchIKFK(ctrlsopt, addKeyframesopt)

Switches between IK and FK.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
ctrls Array.<Layer> | DuList.<Layer> <optional>
The controllers to switch.
addKeyframes bool <optional>
true Whether to add keyframes on FK and IK properties to keep the switch at the current frame.

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# static syncKeys(onLastopt)

Syncs the selected keyframes; moves them to the current time.< br /> If multiple keyframes are selected for the same property, they're offset to the current time, keeping the animation.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
onLast Boolean <optional>
false If true, syncs using the last keyframe instead of the first

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# static tween(tweenRatioopt, animatedPropsopt, selectedLayersopt)

Adds a key to the properties at current time, tweening according to the previous and next keyframe
Name Type Attributes Default Description
tweenRatio float <optional>
0.5 The value ratio for tweening: 0.0 is the value of the previous key, 1.0 is the value of the next key. Note that this value can be < 0 and > 1.0 if you wish.
animatedProps Bool <optional>
true Set to false to add a key to all selected properties, instead of all animated properties.
selectedLayers Bool <optional>
true Set to false to add a key to all layers instead of just the selection.

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# static xSheet(autoComputeopt)

Adjusts the exposure of the animation.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
autoCompute Bool <optional>
false (Try to) auto-compute the best values..

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