



# static cleanExportData(data) → {object}

Cleans data from an After Effects animation before exporting it.
This is a low-level function which you may need only if building your own export formats.
It cleans the data returned by the "getAnim" functions (see DuAELayer.getAnim, DuAELayer.getAnims, DuAEProperty.getAnim) to be able to store it in a text file.
Name Type Description
data object The animation

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The data cleaned

# static cleanImportData(data) → {object}

Cleans data from a JSON before loading it.
This is a low-level function which you may need only if building your own import formats.
It cleans the data stored after having used DuAEF.Interchange.animation.cleanAnimExportData
to be able to set the animations using the "setAnim" functions (see DuAEF.DuAE.Layer.setAnim, DuAEF.DuAE.Property.setAnim).
Name Type Description
data object The animation

View Source DuIO_api.jsxinc, line 336

The data cleaned

# static fromJson(jsonFile, layersopt, keyframesOnlyopt, matchNamesopt, offsetopt, reverseopt)

Loads an animation file and applies it on the layers
Name Type Attributes Default Description
jsonFile File The file containing the animation
layers Array.<Layer> | DuList.<Layer> | LayerCollection <optional>
The layers. If omitted, will get the selected layers from the current comp, or all layers if none are selected.
keyframesOnly Boolean <optional>
false If true, will load only keyframes, but not static values or expressions.
matchNames Array.<string> <optional>
[] A filter for the properties to load. If empty, will load all properties.
offset Boolean <optional>
false Whether to offset the current values or use absolute values.
reverse Boolean <optional>
false Whether to reverse the keyframes in time.

View Source DuIO_api.jsxinc, line 271

# static keyframeInterpolationTypeToName(type) → {string}

Gets the name of an After Effects interpolation type.
This is a low-level function which you should not need.
It used by DuIO.Animation.cleanAnimExportData to store interpolation with their names.
Name Type Description
type KeyframeInterpolationType The After Effects interpolation type

View Source DuIO_api.jsxinc, line 419

The interpolation name or empty string if not found

# static paste(data, compopt, replaceopt, offsetopt, reverseopt, matchNamesopt, keyframesOnlyopt, expressionsopt, dontMoveAncestorsopt)

Pastes the animation previously copied by Duik.Animation.copy to the selected properties.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
data Array.<DuAELayerAnimation> The animation data to paste
comp CompItem <optional>
The composition.
replace Boolean <optional>
false Whether to completely erase and replace the current animation
offset Boolean <optional>
false Whether to offset the animation from the current value
reverse Boolean <optional>
false Whether to reverse the animation
matchNames Array.<string> <optional>
[] A filter to apply only on specific property types
keyframesOnly Boolean <optional>
true If false, the value of properties without keyframes will be set too.
expressions Boolean <optional>
false If true, the expression is set too.
dontMoveAncestors Boolean <optional>
false When set to true, the transform (position, rotation) values for ancestor layers (the ones without parent) will be offset to 0 before applying the animation.

View Source DuIO_api.jsxinc, line 143

# static toJson(file, layersopt, selectedKeysOnlyopt) → {Array.<DuAELayerAnimation>}

Copies all the animations on selected layers, and saves them to a Json file.
Name Type Attributes Description
file File The file to save the data
layers Array.<Layer> | DuList.<Layer> | LayerCollection <optional>
An array of Layers or LayerCollection with the animation. Selected layers from the current comp if omitted.
selectedKeysOnly Boolean <optional>
Wether to copy only selected keys or not. If omitted, will be true if there are selected keyframes, false otherwise.

View Source DuIO_api.jsxinc, line 228

The animations