


Properties of an After Effects Keyframe, as returned by DuAEProperty.keys or DuAEProperty.keyAtIndex or DuAEProperty.keyAtTime.

# new DuAEKeyframe(otheropt)

Constructs a new DuAEKeyframe
Name Type Attributes Description
other DuAEKeyframe <optional>
Another keyframe to create a copy.
Name Type Description
_time float The keyframe time
value null | Array.<folat> | float | MarkerValue | int | Shape | TextDocument The keyframe value
_inInterpolationType KeyframeInterpolationType The incoming temporal interpolation type
_outInterpolationType KeyframeInterpolationType The outgoing temporal interpolation type
_spatial boolean true if this keyframe has a spatial value
spatialProperties DuAEKeySpatialProperties the spatial properties DuAEKeySpatialProperties of this keyframe
inEase Array.<KeyframeEase> The incoming temporal ease. The number of objects in the Array depends on the value type
outEase Array.<KeyframeEase> The outgoing temporal ease. The number of objects in the Array depends on the value type
_continuous boolean true if the keyframe has temporal continuity
_autoBezier boolean true if the keyframe has temporal auto-Bezier interpolation
_index int The index of the keyFrame. Warning: not updated when another key frame is added on the property some time before this key._time!

View Source DuAEF.jsxinc, line 20150


# _clone() → {DuAEKeyframe}

Clones the keyframe and returns the new one.
The keyframe is not added to any property, only the JS object is cloned. Use DuAEProperty.setKey to add it to a specific property.

View Source DuAEF.jsxinc, line 20202

The new keyframe.

# reverse()

Reverses all the influences (swaps in and out)

View Source DuAEF.jsxinc, line 20209

# stops() → {Boolean}

Checks if all speed eases are 0

View Source DuAEF.jsxinc, line 20230
